Tuesday, March 24, 2009

the long and the short of it

In the past ten years I have grown my hair out at least 5 times only to come to the point where I am standing in the bathroom mirror with the scissors in my hand ready to hack it all off. I have only been brave enough to go for the pixie once. My go to hair cut is the Vidal Sassoon style angled bob. Though I have never had it professionally done in a salon-I am pretty good at getting it done myself. As I have mentioned in the past, right now I am going for length, but in the meantime I found these amazing cuts from Sassoon through the ages to keep in the back of my mind for when the inevitable day comes in that bathroom mirror again.


Emz said...

Those are really cool slick bobs. I wish I could pull off a bob

The Queen of Hearts said...

Now I want to cut it all off again...such classic inspiration.


Anonymous said...

ah this time is over, but the hair style should remains!

Lauren said...

I am the opposite- I almost always default to some variation of the pixie cut. They're just so cute, and easy to trim yourself because if it looks a little hacked, it just looks like it's styled that way.

But now, sigh, I am determined to grow my hair long, at least this once. It is so hard not to give up and cut it, especially when I see photos like these.