That night there was a joint birthday party for me and my sister from another mister, Jen. Lot's of friends, good food, many bottles of prosecco and wine, great gifts, and funny cards! (And lots of grasshopper clothing being worn)

Yesterday I was taken out for my birthday for a picnic and nature walk at Mill Grove-the first home of John James Audubon, illustrator of birds and other wildlife in the early 1800's. We toured the house and walked the grounds. I'm not a bird fanatic or anything but it did feel great to get out of the city, lay in a field of grass & buttercups in the sunshine and listen to the birds sing. I even saw a real life baby owl.

And at the end of the day I had Tracy's BBQ on her newly revamped deck to look forward to! What a great time!! Six friends, caipirinha cocktails, plenty of finger foods, and a grilled feast of veggies, steaks and sausages. I even snagged a Kime Buzzelli pillow from Tlu for my birthday from Bona Drag!!

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